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Rod seal
Guide Rings
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Weathertight set



Arod seal is a sealing element with elastic contact edges, designed primarily for a wide range of dynamic sealing applications. The major parts of a rod seal are given in Fig.1.

The sealing effect is a achieved by installing the rod seal into a groove, the dimensions of which slightly exceeds those of the seal body, thus deforming sealing lips, and the required initial contact pressure is obtained (Fig.2A). While there is "zero pressure" or a low pressure, only blades of sealing lips contact the sealing surface (Fig.2B). By increasing the fluid pressure, the seal cross-section expands radially, thus increasing the contact surface and sealing effects, but also friction and abrasion (Fig.2C).


Fig. 2

The proper selection of a rod seal is the solution to the ratio between seal effect, fruction and abrasion. It is obtained by determining the appropriate rod seal profile and material. The most commonly employed materials for hydraulics and pneumatics applications are NBR based elastomer, fabric reinforced rubber and polyurethane.

The fabric incorporated into the elastomer causes the formation of fabric-like pattern at the surface, where a lubricant is absorbed and a lubrication film is formed, and retained even when higher pressures are applied. It prevents increased friction and wear (abrasion) due to the increased contact pressure between the seal and sealing surface.

Two-piece, there-piece or multi-piece seal sets increase the sealing effect of a wide range of pressures. Combined rubber/fabric sealing elements, together with support rings, are suitable for highly severe sealing conditions (Fig.3).

Compact seal (Fig.4) achieves the sealing effect by the ability of the O-ring to generate a relatively high contact pressure, retaining low friction, by a minimum deformation of the whole cross-section thereof. The minimum deformation of the seal body is achieved using fabric reinforced rubber.


Fig. 3

Fig. 4

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